Brain Jail

Collaborative window exhibition by
Laurie Kang, Nadia Belerique, and Lili Huston-Herterich

Jr. Projects, Toronto

May 7 - June 6, 2015

Dear Laurie, Lili, Nadia,

Thank you for your interest. I regret to inform you that your request for my presence in your exhibition has not been successful. Your oversight of my needs made this decision quite simple.

To reiterate:

- Temperature no lower than 75F, with a humidity level of at least 70 percent
- Both salted and unsalted spring water
- Extra shells of various sizes and shapes
- Ample sand, regularly cleaned
- At least three plastic pants and other toys
- Regular sponge care
- A deep sand bed to hide in to relieve my stress
- Huts for both myself and my friends (of whom you have yet to mention?)
- Friends

It is has become evident to me that perhaps the three of you are struggling with the constraints of your own shells. Although my sincere sympathies are extended, I do not accept this projection onto my circumstance, nor do I appreciate your use of my presence as a metaphor for your own devices.

Good luck,
