Noetic on Accident
Group exhibition organized by Carrier Arts Organization, Toronto
March 2 - 26, 2015
Lili Huston-Herterich Darby Milbrath Sarah Munro Michael Freeman Badour Sarah Rose Turner Andrew Power Abby McGuane
Noetic on Accident was a one-day exhibition in a transitional walk-up apartment in the Parkdale neighbourhood of Toronto. It was found painted entirely blue.
I laid flat and read in these rooms. It said, Consciousness is not a self-enclosed Cartesian theatre. I blushed when I thought of avenging my former self. Which is to say my current self.
I painted my room the colour of her birthstone. She had never heard of blanket terms. Not that War, but her own; history forms boundaries, denies repetition. There have been many Lonely Girls.
My mother said I smelt of matilija poppies, my little fried eggs. The day I decided to try grapefruit, I found myself reading your natal chart. O Sayre, I do not pity you. Years later, my father would borrow your nose, and give it to me.
I find the term noetic on accident. Now, I thrive in the realm of coincidence; as the peach fades, my veins grow bluer, thinner. They say: therapeutic intervention is fruitless when the orchestra lacks a conductor. I say: I will always love my illness.
Later, when I am dead, they will confirm that the turquoise gem is and has always been a symbol of male power.
- Rosemary Flutur