On Fogo Island
This stream will be updated regularly during the months of July and August 2015 on Fogo Island.
Artist Lili Huston-Herterich will be leading workshops in cyanotypes (sun printing) and frottage (texture rubbing drawings) during July and August 2015 on Fogo Island in Newfoundland, Canada. This program is a bridging program between Fogo Island Arts and Fogo Island Inn and is generously supported by the Shorefast Foundation. It invites guests of the Inn to Lili's summer studio in The Red Shed in Shoal Bay on the island.
Attendees of these workshops are invited to think of the atmosphere of Fogo Island - specifically, the ground and the sky, as integral ingredients in producing these process-based artworks. Fogo Island's sun will expose cyanotype prints, while Shoal Bay's rocky terrain will serve as ample ground for the diverse textures for frottage rubbings.
Lili Huston-Herterich has a backround in photography and works in a variety of mediums. She is most interested in work that engages or considers its surrounding place, and these two Fogo Island workshops are an extension of these considerations.
The Frottage and Cyanotype Workshops are open from June - August 2015 to all Fogo Island Inn guests, with interations also available to Fogo Island residents.
For more information on this project, please contact Lili at contact@lilihustonherterich.com.
For further information about Fogo Island Inn or Fogo Island Arts, please email info@fogoislandarts.ca.
This stream will be updated regularly during the months of July and August 2015 on Fogo Island.